Heritage Forest Demonstration Project

PROJECT SUMMARY PARC is working with SaskWater and other partners on an effluent irrigated woodlot demonstration project located a few kilometres south of Moose Jaw. Currently most Saskatchewan effluent is discharged into watercourses, where it often causes problems because of...

Institutional Adaptations to Climate Change

Canada-Chile Case Study on Adaptation In 2004, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Major Collaborative Research Initiatives (MCRI) program provided funding for a joint project between Chilean and Canadian research institutions to investigate the...

South Saskatchewan River Basin Project

PROJECT SUMMARY This report summarizes the work and results of a study entitled “Assessment of the Vulnerability of Key Water Use Sectors in the South Saskatchewan River Basin (Alberta and Saskatchewan) to Changes in Water Supply Resulting from Climate Change”....

Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Extremes in the Americas (VACEA)

PROJECT SUMMARY The overall objective of this 5-year project was to improve understanding of the vulnerability of rural agricultural and indigenous communities to shifts in climate variability and to the frequency and intensity of extreme climate events, and to engage...

Climate Scenarios for Saskatchewan

E. Barrow EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The most recent assessment undertaken by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reached a number of conclusions concerning global climate change, two of which stated that “Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is...

Nikan Oti: Future – Understanding Adaptation and Adaptive Capacity in two First Nations

W. Ermine, D. Sauchyn, J. Pittman ABSTRACT This report provides an overview of the findings from the Prairie Adaptation Research Collaboration project, Nikan Oti: Future – Understanding Adaptation and Adaptive Capacity in Two First Nations. Two community case studies were...

The Vulnerability of Land Management in the Grassland – Forest Transition to Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystems and Soil Landscape

Principle Investigator: Dr. Dave Sauchyn Co-investigators: Dr. Mark Johnston, Dr. Mary Vetter, Dr. Joseph Piwowar PROJECT SUMMARY The ecological gradient from grassland to forest in Canada’s western interior is a large region of national significance. It is a climatically sensitive...

Isi Wipan – Climate: Identifying the Impacts of Climate Change and Capacity for Adaptation in two Saskatchewan First Nations Communities

W. Ermine, D. Sauchyn, M. Vetter, C. Hart PROJECT SUMMARY The purpose of the research is to assess the future impacts of climate change and the capacity for two First Nation communities in Saskatchewan to respond and adapt to those...

Isi Askiwan – The State of the Land: Prince Albert Grand Council Elder’s Forum on Climate Change

Willie Ermine, Ralph Nilson, Dave Sauchyn, Ernest Sauve, Robin Yvonne Smith PROJECT SUMMARY This report provides an overview of the findings from the Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative project, Isi Askiwan - The State of the Land: Prince Albert Grand Council...

Climate Change Impacts on the Island Forests of the Great Plains and the Implications for Nature Conservation Policy: The Outlook for Sweet Grass Hills (Montana), Cypress Hills (Alberta- Saskatchewan), Moose Mountain (Saskatchewan), Spruce Woods (Manitoba) and Turtle Mountain (Manitoba- North Dakota)

Norman Henderson, Edward Hogg, Elaine Barrow, and Brett Dolter PROJECT SUMMARY This study investigates future climate change impacts on ecosystems, with a focus on trees, in 5 island forest sites in the northern Great Plains ecoregion: Sweet Grass Hills (Montana),...

Simulating Climatic Impacts on, and Adaptive Management Options for, Boreal Forest Ecosystems in Western Canada

D.T. Price, R. Hall, F. Raulier, M. Lindner, B. Case, P. Bernier EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Given that some impacts of climate warming are being observed across Canada (the current drought in Alberta and Saskatchewan being only one example), and that climate...

Development of an Information System for Supporting Climate Change Impact and Adaptation Strategies Studies within the Prairie’s Petroleum Industries

G.H. Huang, Z. Chen, L. Liu, Y.F. Huang, J.B. Li, Z.Y. Hu, I. Maqsood, Y.Y. Yin PROJECT SUMMARY Petroleum operations range from exploration, production and refining to transportation and storage. Climate change will lead to a number of direct and...

Assessing the Potential for Policy Responses to Climate Change

Adam M. Wellstead, Debra J. Davidson, Richard C. Stedman PROJECT SUMMARY This report provides an overview of findings from the Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative project, Assessing the Potential for Policy Responses to Climate Change. The authors use a number of...

Evaluation of the Effects of Climate Change on Forage and Livestock Production and Assessment of Adaptation Strategies on the Canadian Prairies

A report to the Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative Climate Change Action Fund R.D.H Cohen, C.D. Sykes, E.E. Wheaton and J.P. Stevens ABSTRACT An understanding of adaptation of plant and animal systems in response to changes in climate will help to...

The Climate Sensitivity of the Soil Landscapes of the Prairie Ecozone

Dr. David Sauchyn PROJECT SUMMARY The project reported here examined sensitivities of prairie soil landscapes to climate change, variability and extreme hydroclimatic events. Early in the project, a review of existing climate impact assessments and methodologies suggested that most are...

Socio-Economic Vulnerability of Prairie Communities to Climate Change

Principle Investigator: Edward Cloutis Co-Investigators: Anke Kirch, Jillian Golby, Grant Wiseman, Darcy Carter PROJECT SUMMARY Climate change is a phenomenon that is receiving increasing worldwide attention. While substantial research has been carried out on the potential effects of climate change...

The Effects of Elevated CO2 and Temperature on Herbicide Efficacy and Weed/Crop Competition

Final Report Prepared for the Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative Daniel J. Archambault, Xiaomei Li, Darren Robinson, John T. O'Donovan, Kurt K. Klein EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The dynamics of competition between crops and weeds are affected by environmental conditions, and have been...

Climate Change and an Ecosystem – Resource Adaptation Approach for Vulnerable Lakes in the Boreal Plain Ecozone

G. E. Melville EXECUTIVE SUMMARY All major climate-change agenda efforts in recent years echo the need for more empirical scientific information about climate change and adaptation to freshwater ecosystem impacts. The adaptation research undertaken in this study begins the process...

Forest Ecosystem Vulnerability to Climate: An Assessment of the Western Canadian Boreal Forest

M. Johnston, E. Wheaton, S. Kulshreshtha, V. Wittrock, J. Thorpe EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Canadian Boreal Forest is a mainstay of the Canadian economy, and it has immense social, environmental and intrinsic importance. Canada depends on the boreal forest for many...

A Feasibility Assessment to Study Societal Adaptation and Human Health Impacts under Various Future Climate Scenarios Anticipated in the Canadian Prairies

Justine Klaver PROJECT SUMMARY Climate change could alter the health status, directly or indirectly, of populations on the Canadian Prairies. However, the health effects of climate change on Prairie residents, and short-, medium-, and long-term adaptation measures that will be...