Provide a knowledge foundation that informs ada ptation decisionmaking and policy development in a non-prescriptive manner
The hydrology of subarctic northern watersheds is changing in response to recent anthropogenic global warming [Hinzman et al., 2005]. Climate...
Climate change impacts in Saskatchewan are already evident, and will become increasing significant over time. This report draws on the...
The most recent assessment undertaken by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007) concluded that “Warming of the climate...
Beierle, B. D. 1997 Early Holocene Climate of Southwestern Alberta, Canada, Reconstructed from Lake Sediment Cores. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis. Department...
Over the next several decades, the climate in Canadian forests will shift northward at a rate that will likely exceed...
At Edmonton House, a large fire burned “all around us” on April 27th (1796) and burned on both sides of...