Bonsal, BR; AK Chakravarti, R Lawford (1993) Teleconnections between North Pacific SST anomalies and growing season extended dry spells on...
“Additional storage could meet multiple objectives, including a modest increase in the security of supply under adverse drought conditions, meeting...
Confirm the pre-industrial GCM control experiments (unforced experiments used to assess model stability and natural climate variability) are capturing the...
it is likely that region-specific changes in the hydrologic cycle produced the greatest societal and economic challenges. …
Projected changes in mean seasonal temperature and precipitation for the grassland forest regions. The grey squares indicate the ‘natural’ climate...
At Edmonton House, a large fire burned “all around us” on April 27th (1796) and burned on both sides of...
Cities will likely experience some of the greatest impacts from climate change mainly because they are concentrations of population, wealth,...