We established the statistical relationships between seasonal weather variables and average annual wheat yield (Hard Red Spring and Durum wheat:...
Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications...
We analyzed annual peak flow series from 127 naturally flowing or naturalized streamflow gauges across western Canada to examine the...
We analyzed annual peak flow series from 127 naturally flowing or naturalized streamflow gauges across western Canada to examine the...
Annual area burned (AAB) variability in northwestern North America was inferred from 38 treering width chronologies widely distributed across boreal...
Streamflow in South-Central Chile (SCC, ⇠35oS-42oS) is vital for agriculture, forestry production, hydroelectricity, and human consumption. Recent drought episodes have...
This paper discusses ways in which the tree-ring-based reconstruction of paleohydrology can be better understood and better utilized to support...