At Edmonton House, a large fire burned “all around us” on April 27th
(1796) and burned on both sides of the river. On May 7th, light canoes
arrived at from Buckingham House damaged from the shallow water.
Resource Category: Presentations
Vulnerability to Landslide Risk and Climate Change Workshop
Published: October 31, 2003
Dave Sauchyn, Ph.D., P.Geo
Prairie Adaptation Research
Collaborative, U of R
Vulnerability to Landslide Risk and Climate
Change Workshop
Vancouver, October 31, 2003
Landslide Risk and Climate Change
in the Interior Plains
The Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative
is a facilitative, interdisciplinary research
network established to understand the
potential impacts of climate change on the
Canadian Prairie Provinces and conduct
research necessary to develop appropriate
adaptation strategies.
Slumgullion earth flow, San Juan Mountains, Colorado
Front Ranges
Alberta Rockies
Arm River valley, Saskatchewan
Swift Current Creek valley, Saskatchewan
Paleoclimate relative to
V present climate
IV moister
III drier and warmer
II much drier and warmer
I drier and warmer
1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000
1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000
June – July Precipitation
Medicine Hat, Alberta, 1754-2001
August – July Precipitation,
Havre, Montana, 1727-2001
Departures From Median Precipitaton
Epoch Formation Thickness (m) Hydraulic
Oligocene Cypress Hills 15 – 76 100
Paleocene Ravenscrag 70 + 10-4
Upper Cretaceous Frenchman 3 – 45 + 10-1
Upper Cretaceous Battle 6 – 9 10-1
Upper Cretaceous Whitemud 10 – 14 10-1
Upper Cretaceous Eastend 21 – 37 10-1
Upper Cretaceous Bearpaw 285 – 305 10-5
Police Point Landslide
5 15 19 28 31 27 3
May June
erosion (cm)
deposition (cm)
precipitation (mm)
2 6
The Eureka River landslide and dam, Peace River
Lowlands, Alberta
B.G.N. Miller and D.M. Cruden
Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 39, 2002
The Eureka River landslide of June 1990, at 50 Mm3
is one of the largest historical landslides on the
Interior Plains of Canada. It is one of seven large
translational landslides to have occurred in the Peace
River Lowlands within the last 65 years. Each
landslide occurred in Quaternary sediments deposited
within a preglacial valley. Each landslide formed a
dam. The landslide dam was over 20 m high, forming
a lake exceeding 8 km in length.
The 1939 landslide on the west wall of the
Montagneuse River valley, 1300 m long,
1400 m wide, and 80 m thick with a
volume of 76 x 106 m3, is the largest
historic rapid landslide on the Interior Plains of Canada. It
lasted about a minute, dammed the river, and formed a
reservoir 1.5 km long. The Montagneuse River was pushed
eastward. The main scarp has been substantially modified
by earth flows and slides. Landslides in the Montagneuse
River valley coincide with the Shaftesbury buried preglacial
channel of the Peace River. The surfaces of rupture of five
historic landslides in the Peace River Lowland follow clays
deposited in preglacial channels, confirming that these
deposits may be hazardous when eroded.
The 1939 Montagneuse River
landslide, Alberta
D.M. Cruden, Z-Y. Lu, and S. Thomson
Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 34, 1997
Thirty-five years of activity at the Lesueur landslide,
Edmonton, Alberta
D.M. Cruden, A.E. Peterson, S. Thomson, and P. Zabeti
Can. Geotech. J. 39: 266–278, 2002
The Lesueur landslide occurred on 3 September 1963
on the outside of a meander of the North
Saskatchewan River in northeast Edmonton. The
displaced volume was 0.76 Mm3 of Pleistocene
deposits and underlying Upper Cretaceous mudstones.
The trigger of the landslide is believed to be
accelerated erosion of the slope toe caused by
dumping of mine waste on the inside of the meander.
Surveys in 1964, 1971, 1992, 1995, 1997, and 1998
have documented continued slope movements.
North Saskatchewan River, Edmonton
1. Unexpected landslides at various locations
resulting from wet summer conditions.
2. Increased costs on various tendered construction
3. Carry-over of various construction projects to
2001-02 fiscal year.
4. Increased winter gravel crushing and haul
5. Positions transferred.
Annual Report 1999 – 2000
Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation
Explanation of significant differences between
budget and actual:
Aridity (P/PET), 2050, CGCM2
Extreme precipitation events are likely to
become more frequent
Event recurrence time (Years)
Size of event (mm)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Extreme Precipitation Events (Canada)
Extreme rainfalls in southern Saskatchewan
Buffalo Gap, May 30, 1961
• one-hour: 258 mm
Parkmanm, August 3-4, 1985
• six-hour: 267 mm
• 12-hour: 362 mm
• 24-hour: 381 mm
Vanguard, July 3, 2000
• eight-hour: 334-387 mm
Note: all data from bucket surveys
Manitoba Climate Change and Water Workshop-17Jun2003
A projected increase in climate variability, including more frequent drought and major hydroclimatic events, is the most challenging climate change scenario.
Plain as the Eye Can See-16May2003
Natural and socio-economic systems are sensitive to climatic variability, climatic change and extreme hydroclimatic events
Senate Hearing-Dec2002
A projected increase in climate variability, including more frequent drought and major hydroclimatic events, is the most ominous climate change scenario.
ULS Indicators Workshop-27Nov
Everyone has access to good food, water, shelter and fuel at a reasonable cost. Examples: number of homeless households; % families on welfare or with low incomes; number of households with unsafe water
SaskEnergy Leadership Forum-21Oct2002
Natural and socio-economic systems are sensitive to climatic variability, climatic change, and extreme hydroclimatic events
C-CIARN Landscape Hazards Workshop-03Oct2002
Soil eroded from the conventional and minimum till plots in 1990 [two events] was 70% and 73%, respectively, of the total soil eroded during the operation of the plots from 1986 to 1993.
The first three months of this year were the warmest globally since records began in 1860 and probably for 1,000 years.
CEOS Climate Change Forum-02Apr2002
it is likely that region-specific changes in the hydrologic cycle produced the greatest societal and economic challenges. …