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Caracterizaci¢n Bio-Geo-F¡sica de la Cuenca del Ri¢ Elqui
Cepeda, J., M. Feibig, C. P‚rez, H. Trigos and H. Zavala 2005 English

This document describes the main bio- and geophysical characteristics of the Elqui River Basin. The document is a monograph composed of different papers, all of them prepared by members of the IACC project in the Universidad de La Serena. These papers are:

  1. Cepeda, J., M. Robles and R. Cabezas, ?Una Descripcion General Biofisica de la Hoya Hidrografica del Rio Elqui (IV Region de Coquimbo, Chile),? describing the climate and vegetation of the ERB
  2. Cepeda, J., M. Robles and R. Cabezas, ?Geomorfologia y Suelos de la Hoya Hidrografica del Rio Elqui (IV Region de Coquimbo, Chile),? containing a description of landforms and soils in the basin
  3. Fiebig-Wittmaak Melitta and Cesar Perez, ?Aspectos Climatologicos del Valle del Elqui,? focusing on the climatologic aspects of the ERB
  4. Zavala, Humberto, Hernaldo Trigos, Ivan Munizaga, and Enrique Mall, ?Hidrologia Cuenca Rio Elqui,? explaining the hydrological characteristics of the basin
  5. Cepeda, Jorge and Jorge Pizarro, ? Ecologica del Valle del Elqui,? describing the main characteristics of the basin?s ecology
  6. Fiebig-Wittmaak Melitta and Cesar Perez, ?Eventos Catastroficos Naturales,? containing a discussion of the main natural hazards in the area.

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