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Construyendo Memorias E Identidades Compartidas: Análisis de los discursos sobre el pasado de la comunidad de Diaguitas. Valle de Elqui. IV región.
Jimenez, E.,2007,Español
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Community Vulnerability to Climate Change in the Elqui River Basin, Chile. (M.Sc. Thesis, University of Guelph)
Young, G.,2007,English
This research characterizes nature of vulnerability through a case study of a dryland community in the Elqui River Basin located in North Central Chile. The study is focused on water .....
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Groundwater in the Canadian Prairies: Trends and Long-term Variability (M.A.Sc. Thesis, University of Regina)
Pérez Valdivia, C.,2009,English
Groundwater could be an increasingly important water supply in the Canadian interior with global warming and declining summer runoff; however, not enough is known about the behaviour of groundwater under climatic .....
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The Vulnerability of the James Smith and Shoal Lake First Nations to Climate Change and Variability (M.Sc. Thesis, University of Regina)
Pittman, J.,2009,English
First Nations communities, especially those dependent on natural resources, will be faced with the challenge of adapting to changing climate. This thesis identifies the existing sensitivities and coping capacities to climate .....
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The Sensitivity and Adaptability of the Grape and Wine Industry in the Maule Region of Chile to Climate Change (M.Sc. Thesis, University of Guelph
Hadarits, M.,2009,English
This paper examines the sensitivity and adaptability of the Chilean grape and wine industry to climate change in the context of other stresses via a case study in the Maule Region. .....
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