Adaptation and Resilience Forums provide a common linkage across the themes and activities in the Prairies RAC. They provide a mechanism for joint exploration of issues and an opportunity for development of integrated policy options. They also provide the mechanism for inter-jurisdictional discussion on the common themes of the RAC. The Adaptation Resilience Forums will be structured so that PRAC participants and stakeholders can:
- Improve their abilities to know and understand how natural, economic and social systems converge and how they impact each other and how they respond and adapt to change.
- Enhance understanding of “systems,” and to provide the knowledge and skill base to respond and adapt to systemic changes.
- Improve their abilities to increase the robustness of our different systems, as well as to increase their resilience and adaptive capacities to anticipated or sudden climatic changes.
Facilitate a thorough examination of the fundamental underlying issues of adaptability and resilience by exploring:
- What makes a system more or less resilient and adaptable?
- How do adaptability and resilience relate to and affect one another?
- What are the policy and decision making implications for adaptation and resilience?
- Forums, round table discussions and theme specific workshops will be held at various times throughout the project.
Go to the Adaptation Resilience Forums theme publications...